Source code for fbench.viz

from enum import Enum

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import toolz
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import fbench

__all__ = (

[docs]class VizConfig(Enum): """Visualization configurations."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_contour__base(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.contour()``: base configuration.""" return dict( levels=12, colors="dimgray", antialiased=True, linewidths=0.25, alpha=1.0, zorder=1, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_contourf__base(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.contourf()``: base configuration.""" return dict( levels=100, antialiased=True, alpha=0.61803, zorder=0, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_contourf__YlOrBr(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.contourf()``: ``YlOrBr`` configuration for dark max. """ output = dict( cmap=plt.get_cmap("YlOrBr"), ) output.update(cls.get_kws_contourf__base()) return output
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_contourf__YlOrBr_r(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.contourf()``: ``YlOrBr_r`` configuration for dark min. """ output = dict( cmap=plt.get_cmap("YlOrBr_r"), ) output.update(cls.get_kws_contourf__base()) return output
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_plot__base(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.plot()``: base configuration.""" return dict( linewidth=2, zorder=0, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_scatter__base(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.scatter()``: base configuration.""" return dict( s=60, c="black", zorder=2, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_surface__base(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.plot_surface()``: base configuration.""" return dict( rstride=2, cstride=2, edgecolors="dimgray", antialiased=True, linewidth=0.1, alpha=0.61803, zorder=0, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_surface__YlOrBr(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.plot_surface()``: ``YlOrBr`` configuration for dark max. """ output = dict( cmap=plt.get_cmap("YlOrBr"), ) output.update(cls.get_kws_surface__base()) return output
[docs] @classmethod def get_kws_surface__YlOrBr_r(cls): """Returns kwargs for ``.plot_surface()``: ``YlOrBr_r`` configuration for dark min. """ output = dict( cmap=plt.get_cmap("YlOrBr_r"), ) output.update(cls.get_kws_surface__base()) return output
[docs]class FunctionPlotter: """Plot a scalar-valued function with an 1-vector or 2-vector input. Parameters ---------- func : callable The function to plot. bounds : sequence A sequence of ``(min, max)`` pairs for each element of the vector. with_surface : bool, default=True Specify if the function surface plot should be generated. with_contour : bool, default=True Specify if the contour plot should be generated. with_optima : bool, default=True Specify if scatter points for the optima should be added. n_grid_points : int, default=101 Specify the number of grid points on one axis. Ignored if ``x_coord`` or ``y_coord`` is specified. x_coord : sequence, default=None Specify coordinates on the x-axis. x_coord : sequence, default=None Specify coordinates on the y-axis. optima : sequence[Optimum], default=None Specify optima to plot. If None, retrieve them from :func:`get_optima`. Note that optima are only added to the plot if a defintion exists. kws_surface : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.plot_surface``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_surface__YlOrBr_r()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. kws_contourf : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.contourf``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_contourf__YlOrBr_r()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. kws_contour : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_contour__base()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. kws_plot : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_plot__base()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. kws_scatter : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`` or ``mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.scatter``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_scatter__base()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. Notes ----- - Examples are shown in the `Overview of fBench functions <>`_. See Also -------- fbench.get_optima : Retrieve optima for defined functions. Examples -------- >>> import fbench >>> fbench.viz.FunctionPlotter(func=fbench.sphere, bounds=[(-5, 5)]) FunctionPlotter(func=sphere, bounds=[(-5, 5)]) """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, func, bounds, with_surface=True, with_contour=True, with_optima=True, n_grid_points=101, x_coord=None, y_coord=None, optima=None, kws_surface=None, kws_contourf=None, kws_contour=None, kws_plot=None, kws_scatter=None, ): self._func = func self._bounds = bounds self._with_surface = with_surface self._with_contour = with_contour self._with_optima = with_optima self._n_grid_points = n_grid_points self._x_coord = x_coord self._y_coord = y_coord self._optima = optima self._kws_contourf = kws_contourf self._kws_contour = kws_contour self._kws_surface = kws_surface self._kws_plot = kws_plot self._kws_scatter = kws_scatter self._size = len(bounds) self._coord = None if self._size not in (1, 2): raise TypeError("the total number of bounds must be either 1 or 2") if self._size == 2 and with_surface is False and with_contour is False: raise ValueError("`with_surface` and `with_contour` cannot both be False") def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(func={self.func.__name__}, bounds={self.bounds})" @property def func(self): """The function to plot.""" return self._func @property def bounds(self): """Bounds to use for the plot.""" return self._bounds
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None, ax3d=None): """Generate the plot. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, default=None Optionally supply a ``Figure`` object. If None, the current ``Figure`` object is retrieved. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, default=None Optionally supply an ``Axes`` object. If None, the current ``Axes`` object is retrieved. ax3d : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D, default=None Optionally supply an ``Axes3D`` object. If None, the current ``Axes3D`` object is retrieved. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The ``Figure`` object. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The ``Axes`` object. ax3d : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D The ``Axes3D`` object of the surface. Notes ----- When creating both a surface and contour plot and either ``ax`` or ``ax3d`` is specified, it is best to also supply ``fig``. To this end, it might be easier to only supply a ``fig`` object. """ self._set_coord_attr() if self._size == 1: fig, ax, ax3d = self._plot_line(fig, ax, ax3d) else: if self._with_surface and self._with_contour: fig, ax, ax3d = self._plot_surface_and_contour(fig, ax, ax3d) if self._with_surface and not self._with_contour: fig, ax, ax3d = self._plot_surface(fig, ax, ax3d) if not self._with_surface and self._with_contour: fig, ax, ax3d = self._plot_contour(fig, ax, ax3d) if self._with_optima: ax, ax3d = self._add_optima(ax, ax3d) return fig, ax, ax3d
def _plot_surface_and_contour(self, fig, ax, ax3d): fig = fig or plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.4)) ax3d = ax3d or fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection="3d") ax3d = create_surface_plot( self._coord, kws_surface=self._kws_surface, kws_contourf=self._kws_contourf, ax=ax3d, ) ax = ax or fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) ax = create_contour_plot( self._coord, kws_contourf=self._kws_contourf, kws_contour=self._kws_contour, ax=ax, ) ax.axis("scaled") return fig, ax, ax3d def _plot_surface(self, fig, ax, ax3d): fig = fig or plt.gcf() ax3d = ax3d or fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection="3d") ax3d = create_surface_plot( self._coord, kws_surface=self._kws_surface, kws_contourf=self._kws_contourf, ax=ax3d, ) ax = None return fig, ax, ax3d def _plot_contour(self, fig, ax, ax3d): fig = fig or plt.gcf() ax3d = None ax = ax or fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax = create_contour_plot( self._coord, kws_contourf=self._kws_contourf, kws_contour=self._kws_contour, ax=ax, ) ax.axis("scaled") return fig, ax, ax3d def _plot_line(self, fig, ax, ax3d): fig = fig or plt.gcf() ax3d = None ax = ax or fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax = create_line_plot( self._coord, kws_plot=self._kws_plot, ax=ax, ) return fig, ax, ax3d def _add_optima(self, ax, ax3d): optima = self._optima or fbench.get_optima(self._size, self.func) if optima is not None: ax, ax3d = plot_optima( optima, ax=ax, ax3d=ax3d, kws_scatter=self._kws_scatter, ) return ax, ax3d def _set_coord_attr(self): """Private setter for coordinate attribute.""" if self._coord is None: if self._size == 1: (x_bounds,) = self._bounds x_coord = self._x_coord or np.linspace( min(x_bounds), max(x_bounds), self._n_grid_points ) self._coord = create_coordinates2d(self._func, x_coord) else: x_bounds, y_bounds = self._bounds x_coord = self._x_coord or np.linspace( min(x_bounds), max(x_bounds), self._n_grid_points ) y_coord = self._y_coord or np.linspace( min(y_bounds), max(y_bounds), self._n_grid_points ) self._coord = create_coordinates3d(self._func, x_coord, y_coord)
[docs]@toolz.curry def create_contour_plot(coord, /, *, kws_contourf=None, kws_contour=None, ax=None): """Create a contour plot from X, Y, Z coordinate matrices. Parameters ---------- coord : CoordinateMatrices The X, Y, Z coordinate matrices to plot. kws_contourf : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_contourf__YlOrBr_r()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. kws_contour : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_contour__base()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, default=None Optionally supply an ``Axes`` object. If None, the current ``Axes`` object is retrieved. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The ``Axes`` object with filled contours and superimposed contour lines. Notes ----- - Function is curried. - Examples are shown in the `Overview of fBench functions <>`_. """ # noqa: E501 ax = ax or plt.gca() settings_contourf = VizConfig.get_kws_contourf__YlOrBr_r() settings_contourf.update(kws_contourf or dict()) contour_plot = ax.contourf(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z, **settings_contourf) settings_contour = VizConfig.get_kws_contour__base() settings_contour.update(kws_contour or dict()) ax.contour(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z, **settings_contour) plt.colorbar( contour_plot, cax=make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.15), ) return ax
[docs]@toolz.curry def create_coordinates2d(func, x_coord, /): """Create (x, y) pairs from coordinate vector and function. For each value of :math:`x`, compute function value :math:`y = f(x)`. Parameters ---------- func : Callable[[np.ndarray], float] A scalar-valued function that takes an 1-vector as input. x_coord : array_like An one-dimensional array for the x-coordinates of the grid. Returns ------- CoordinatePairs The (x, y) coordinate pairs. Notes ----- Function is curried. Examples -------- >>> import fbench >>> fbench.viz.create_coordinates2d(fbench.sphere, [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) CoordinatePairs(x=array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]), y=array([4., 1., 0., 1., 4.])) """ x = fbench.check_vector(x_coord, n_min=2) y = np.apply_along_axis(func1d=func, axis=1, arr=np.c_[x.ravel()]) return fbench.structure.CoordinatePairs(x, y)
[docs]@toolz.curry def create_coordinates3d(func, x_coord, y_coord=None, /): """Create X, Y, Z coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors and function. First, a meshgrid of (x, y)-coordinates is constructed from the coordinate vectors. Then, the z-coordinate for each (x, y)-point is computed using the function. Parameters ---------- func : Callable[[np.ndarray], float] A scalar-valued function that takes a two-dimensional, real vector as input. x_coord : array_like An one-dimensional array for the x-coordinates of the grid. y_coord : array_like, default=None An one-dimensional array for the y-coordinates of the grid. If None, ``y_coord`` equals ``x_coord``. Returns ------- CoordinateMatrices The coordinate matrices. Notes ----- Function is curried. Examples -------- >>> import fbench >>> fbench.viz.create_coordinates3d(fbench.sphere, [-1, 0, 1]) CoordinateMatrices(x=array([[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]]), y=array([[-1, -1, -1], [ 0, 0, 0], [ 1, 1, 1]]), z=array([[2., 1., 2.], [1., 0., 1.], [2., 1., 2.]])) """ x_coord = fbench.check_vector(x_coord, n_min=2) y_coord = x_coord if y_coord is None else fbench.check_vector(y_coord, n_min=2) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_coord, y_coord) z = np.apply_along_axis(func1d=func, axis=1, arr=np.c_[x.ravel(), y.ravel()]) return fbench.structure.CoordinateMatrices(x, y, z.reshape(x.shape))
[docs]@toolz.curry def create_discrete_cmap(n, /, *, name="viridis_r", lower_bound=0.05, upper_bound=0.9): """Create discrete values from colormap. Parameters ---------- n : int Specify the number of discrete values. name : str, default="viridis_r" Specify the name of the colormap. lower_bound : float, default=0.05, Specify the lower bound of the colormap. upper_bound : float, default=0.9, Specify the upper bound of the colormap. Returns ------- list[tuple[float, float, float, float]] Discrete values from colormap. Notes ----- Function is curried. Examples -------- >>> import fbench >>> fbench.viz.create_discrete_cmap(2) [(0.876168, 0.891125, 0.09525, 1.0), (0.282623, 0.140926, 0.457517, 1.0)] """ cmap = plt.get_cmap(name) return [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(lower_bound, upper_bound, num=n)]
[docs]@toolz.curry def create_line_plot(coord, /, *, kws_plot=None, ax=None): """Create a line plot from (x, y) pairs. Parameters ---------- coord : CoordinatePairs The (x, y) coordinate pairs. kws_plot : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_plot__base()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, default=None Optionally supply an ``Axes`` object. If None, the current ``Axes`` object is retrieved. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The ``Axes`` object. Notes ----- - Function is curried. - Examples are shown in the `Overview of fBench functions <>`_. """ # noqa: E501 ax = ax or plt.gca() settings_plot = VizConfig.get_kws_plot__base() settings_plot.update(kws_plot or dict()) ax.plot(coord.x, coord.y, **settings_plot) return ax
[docs]@toolz.curry def create_surface_plot(coord, /, *, kws_surface=None, kws_contourf=None, ax=None): """Create a surface plot from X, Y, Z coordinate matrices. Parameters ---------- coord : CoordinateMatrices The X, Y, Z coordinate matrices to plot. kws_surface : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.plot_surface``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_surface__YlOrBr_r()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. kws_contourf : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.contourf``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_contourf__YlOrBr_r()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. ax : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D, default=None Optionally supply an ``Axes3D`` object. If None, the current ``Axes3D`` object is retrieved. Returns ------- ax : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D The ``Axes3D`` object of the surface. Notes ----- - Function is curried. - Examples are shown in the `Overview of fBench functions <>`_. """ # noqa: E501 ax = ax or plt.gcf().add_subplot(projection="3d") # Make background and axis panes transparent ax.patch.set_alpha(0.0) ax.xaxis.set_pane_color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) ax.yaxis.set_pane_color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) ax.zaxis.set_pane_color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) settings_surface = VizConfig.get_kws_surface__YlOrBr_r() settings_surface.update(kws_surface or dict()) ax.plot_surface(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z, **settings_surface) settings_contourf = VizConfig.get_kws_contourf__YlOrBr_r() settings_contourf.update(kws_contourf or dict()) settings_contourf["zdir"] = settings_contourf.get("zdir", "z") # make contourf plot appear to be on the floor ax.set_zlim3d(coord.z.min(), coord.z.max()) settings_contourf["offset"] = coord.z.min() ax.contourf(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z, **settings_contourf) return ax
[docs]def get_1d_plotter(): """Get FunctionPlotter instances for functions with 1-vector input. Returns ------- dict[str, FunctionPlotter] Predefined FunctionPlotter instances. """ return { "Ackley_1D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.ackley, bounds=((-5, 5),), n_grid_points=1001, ), "Peaks_x2=0": FunctionPlotter( func=lambda x: fbench.peaks([x[0], 0]), bounds=((-5, 5),), n_grid_points=1001, optima=[ fbench.structure.Optimum( fbench.check_vector([-1.38744014]), -2.8605256281989595 ) ], ), "Rastrigin_1D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.rastrigin, bounds=((-5, 5),), n_grid_points=1001, ), "Sinc": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.sinc, bounds=((-100, 100),), n_grid_points=1001, ), }
[docs]def get_2d_plotter(): """Get FunctionPlotter instances for functions with 2-vector input. Returns ------- dict[str, FunctionPlotter] Predefined FunctionPlotter instances. """ return { "Ackley_2D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.ackley, bounds=((-5, 5), (-5, 5)), ), "Beale_2D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.beale, bounds=((-4.5, 4.5), (-4.5, 4.5)), ), "Beale_2D_log1p": FunctionPlotter( func=toolz.compose_left(fbench.beale, np.log1p), bounds=((-4.5, 4.5), (-4.5, 4.5)), optima=[fbench.structure.Optimum(fbench.check_vector([3, 0.5]), 0)], ), "Peaks": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.peaks, bounds=((-4, 4), (-4, 4)), ), "Rastrigin_2D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.rastrigin, bounds=((-5.12, 5.12), (-5.12, 5.12)), ), "Rosenbrock_2D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.rosenbrock, bounds=((-2, 2), (-2, 2)), ), "Rosenbrock_2D_log1p": FunctionPlotter( func=toolz.compose_left(fbench.rosenbrock, np.log1p), bounds=((-2, 2), (-2, 2)), optima=[fbench.structure.Optimum(fbench.check_vector([1] * 2), 0)], ), "Schwefel_2D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.schwefel, bounds=((-500, 500), (-500, 500)), ), "Sphere_2D": FunctionPlotter( func=fbench.sphere, bounds=((-2, 2), (-2, 2)), ), }
[docs]def plot_optima(optima, /, *, ax=None, ax3d=None, kws_scatter=None): """Add optima as scatter points to plot. Parameters ---------- optima : sequence of Optimum The optima to plot. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, default=None Specify the ``Axes`` object if scatter points should be added to it. ax3d : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D, default=None Specify the ``Axes3D`` object if scatter points should be added to it. kws_scatter : dict of keyword arguments, default=None The kwargs are passed to ``matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`` or ``mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.scatter``. By default, using configuration: ``VizConfig.get_kws_scatter__base()``. Optionally specify a dict of keyword arguments to update configurations. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The ``Axes`` object. ax3d : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D The ``Axes3D`` object of the surface. """ n = optima[0].n settings_scatter = VizConfig.get_kws_scatter__base() settings_scatter.update(kws_scatter or dict()) if n == 1 and ax is not None: # line for optimum in optima: ax.scatter(optimum.x, optimum.fx, **settings_scatter) if n == 2 and ax is not None: # contour for optimum in optima: ax.scatter(*optimum.x, **settings_scatter) if n == 2 and ax3d is not None: # surface for optimum in optima: zmin = ax3d.get_zlim()[0] ax3d.scatter(*optimum.x, zmin, **settings_scatter) ax3d.scatter(*optimum.x, optimum.fx, **settings_scatter) return ax, ax3d